The Bluebarred Prickleback (Plectobranchus
a rarely encountered deep water inhabitant of sandy slopes in the Pacific Northwest of North
America. In Saanich Inlet on Vancouver Island, bluebarred pricklebacks can be found
lounging casually on the sand.
Once a diver has reached a sufficient depth to encounter a bluebarred
prickleback (deeper than 140ft), approaching them is relatively easy. These
Bluebarred Prickleback pictures
are available for commercial
licensing. For further information regarding usage please
e-mail MarineLifePics.

Bluebarred Prickleback
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Bluebarred Prickleback
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Bluebarred Prickleback
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Bluebarred Prickleback
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Bluebarred Prickleback
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