The Grainyhand
Hermit Crab (Pagurus granosimanus) can be distinguished from other
hermit crabs in the Pacific Northwest by its uniform olive green body with
white or bluish nodules. These Grainyhand Hermit Crab pictures
are available for commercial
licensing. For further information regarding usage please
e-mail MarineLifePics.
Grainyhand Hermit
Crab 001
Grainyhand Hermit
Crab 005
Grainyhand Hermit
Crab 008
Grainyhand Hermit
Crab 011
Grainyhand Hermit
Crab 010
Grainyhand Hermit
Crab 003
All of the
crab images on
are copyright protected. No unauthorized use of these Granyhand hermit crab pictures is
permitted. Please contact MarineLifePics for further information.