A Californian Sea Lion with two severe shark bites.
Cabo Pulmo, Baja, Sea of Cortez. This sea lion was laying on the main public
beach in Cabo Pulmo close to the centre of the village. This was an unusual
place for a sea lion to come ashore but the severity of its wounds may have
made it impossible for the animal to make it back to its colony. The shape
of the incisions and radius of the jaw suggests an attack by a Great White
Shark. There are
many fatal and nonfatal attacks on sea lions each year by sharks.


Californian Sea
Lion Shark Attack 003 |

Californian Sea
Lion Shark Attack 002 |

Californian Sea
Lion Shark Attack 009 |

Californian Sea
Lion Shark Attack 007 |

Californian Sea
Lion Shark Attack 001 |