Shark Tagging 001
A researcher
places a tracking tag just below the dorsal fin of a Porbeagle Shark while
the shark is being measured |

Shark Tags 001
A researcher
preparing tags. |

Satellite Tag 004
Dr Steve Turnbull
from the University of New Brunswick holds up a Satellite Tag |

Porbeagle Shark
Tagging 001
A hooked Porbeagle
is led into a hammock |

Porbeagle Shark
Tagging 003
A Porbeagle Shark
being raised onto the boat to be measured and tagged |

Porbeagle Shark
Tagging 022
Sea water being poured
onto a captured Porbeagle Shark |

Porbeagle Shark
Tagging 023
A Porbeagle Shark
topples back into the water after being tagged |

Porbeagle Shark
Tagging 008
A hooked Porbeagle
Shark lays on the deck while being tagged and measured |

Porbeagle Shark
Tagging 012
tagging a Porbeagle Shark |

Porbeagle Shark
Tagging 019
A Porbeagle Shark
being held down while being tagged and measured to avoid injury |

Porbeagle Shark
Tagging 030
A Porbeagle Shark
being held down while being tagged and measured to avoid injury |

Porbeagle Shark
Tagging 007
A hooked Porbeagle
Shark lays on the deck while being tagged and measured |

Shark Tag 001
An tracking tag
placed on a free swimming Mako Shark |

Mako Shark 032
A tagged Shortfin
Mako Shark |