Courting Round Stingrays Urobatis halleri. The dark male round
stingray is trying to subdue the female by holding onto her tail and pelvic
region while she tries to escape. If he is successful, the female will
eventually tire and allow him to settle onto her ventrum to ventrum (belly
to belly) for mating to take place.

Round Stingrays
Mating 012 |

Round Stingrays
Mating 047 |

Round Stingrays
Mating 003 |

Round Stingrays
Mating 009 |

Round Stingrays
Mating 028 |

Round Stingrays
Mating 046 |

Round Stingrays
Mating 016 |

Round Stingrays
Mating 036 |

Round Stingrays
Mating 035 |

Round Stingrays
Mating 034 |

Round Stingrays
Mating 007 |

Round Stingrays
Mating 040 |

Round Stingrays
Mating 025 |

Round Stingrays
Mating 045 |
Images of sharks with mating scars. Male sharks frequently bite the
flank or pectoral area of the female to stay in position while mating takes
place. |